Tuesday, April 3, 2012

End of March

Oh was March fun!
I had the opportunity to go on a girls trip to Vegas, it was such a blast!

Also I finished Dental Assisting school March 24th. I'm so excited to get out there and start working in an office.

I will say I think April is starting off in the right direction, I CANNOT wait for Easter. The kids are gonna be so excited when they see what the Easter bunny brings them. We are also having dinner and an egg hunt with my sister and brother in-law.

I personally can't wait for the warm weather, and shorts, skirts, rompers and tanks!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mama and her side kicks

I can't say it enough, My boys are at such fun ages! Besides the fact that they talk and play with each other daily (so stinkin cute), they now enjoy doing fun dates with mommy!

Going to the movies

Sleeping after the movie

Lunch date

Mommy and boys driving to have a fun sleepover with Jamie, Ayden, and Emery

Lazy day tent

Silly faces

Toy Story 3 on ice

Playing at the park

I love summer for all these reasons, we can get out and enjoy the day!

We plan on spending a lot of time outside this summer. Swimming, Zoo, Picnics, and I believe the Easter Bunny has a big surprise for both boys to make it even more fun ;)

Saturday, February 25, 2012


This Valentines ROCKED!
I made decorations a month before. They turned out so cute, I made them match my Valentines day picture frames I made last year.

I ended up getting the boys these super cute matching pj's (that I gave to them early) then I made them each a little bag, with a book and a box of fruit snacks in them. Then they both got a Ty beanie baby, Memphis got a horse , and London got a Ming Ming.

Dan got me these amazing flowers

We got Olive Garden to go for us, and I made the boys pink heart shaped pancakes for dinner.
Added bonus my new ring came the next day!

I love it!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Two wild boys!

When people meet my little ones they see these really quiet, shy boys.. well they are not that way at home! Talking, screaming, running, dancing, crazy wild boys!
They are finally at a good age to play together.
London has fallen into the big brother role, always bringing Memphis a toy, his sippy, or anything else he thinks he might need.
Memphis is so cute I can't get enough of this age! He says the funniest things, he's a little ahead on talking for his age. He's sooo cuddly, he will love anyone that holds him.
Both boys have so much energy.

London wanted me to take a picture of him pretending to sleep

Yesterday London had a little accident.. he was watching Dan put away groceries while I was getting ready for work. Well he was standing on the barstool, I told him to sit down, his bum missed the cushion and he fell right between the two stools. Huge crash, loud scream! I ran to him and held him.. I didn't notice all the blood cause he was wearing a black hoodie. After a second I was checking to see if he had a bump or bruse and noticed the blood and giant gash.. grabbed a towel and rushed him out the door and down the road to instacare. It was about an hour before he got the staples in.. and that was the most horrible thing. I had to hold his body down and a nurse held his head, with every staple he let out a huge squeel.. I just cried, and felt so bad for my little guy. It was over in a flash and today he seems completly fine.. no pain so far!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Full schedule!

So much is going on right now I hope I'm not getting in over my head, but at the same time I need to do what I feel is gonna better our family.

I'm still watching Kids in the day 3 boys all part time. Add my boys = 5 BOYS! Then I decided I need to go back to Nailed at night for a few hours. I'm working 3 days a week but willing to pick up more. Also I just started school last Saturday YAY! Every Saturday 8-4 for 10 weeks. The first day was overwhelming a little, but I'm sure I'll be fine if I just study. (When I have time)

This is my Giant book for school

I did manage to get some time in this weekend with my favorite babies... Londy & Memmy

Bestest Brothers ever!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 is our year!

It's been a long time since I have Blogged.. and soo much has happened. Good and Bad.. 2010 had Memphis, a new job for Dan (Worst JOB ever) 2011 job loss for Dan, but with every bad there is a good! Later that year his seasonal job turned into a full time positon! Best thing that could of happened, full benifits, AMAZING retirement, most important a job Dan loves! Also our little Toyota caught on fire, good side.. My Awesome inlaws helped us get a new crossover!

With all these things that have happened I am still so excited about the future. I have decided to become a Dental Assistant, I start school January 21st, its only 10 weeks, then I plan on working full time! Another big change is getting our debt taken care of, once that is out of the way we will have a fresh start. With a lot of work and some patience I can see us in a house by 2014! By far that is my biggest goal that we are working towards.

Here are some pictures of the past.

Memphis born July 13th 2010

Londons 2nd Birthday

Halloween 2010

My Neice Zoey born Dec 2010

Melissa's Moving Day 2011

New Car 2011

Trip to Denver 2011

Memphis 1st Birthday July 2011

My Neice Emery was Born July 2011

Londons 3rd Birthday

Family Pictures

Christmas 2011

Here's to 2012!

Monday, October 25, 2010

A day in the life of a stay at home mom (of 2 little boys)

I have been wondering lately how all the moms out there have time to craft, blog, facebook, clean, and some even work, yet still have time for their kids.. I NEED to know the secret!
(I must not be managing my time well)
To give you a little insight to how most of my days go... This is a day in the life of a stay at home mom.
(of 2 little boys)
My day begins around 6:30am with London crying in his room, so I get outta bed, open his door, and ask him "would you like some milk?" of course he says "YEAH YEAH YEAH" So while he sits on the couch drinking his milk and watching Cat in the hat, I grab Memphis outta the bedroom lay him in the bouncer while I get his bottle ready and pour myself a cup of coffee, About one Minuet in I hear the baby crying, not to my surprise London is either hitting him, sitting on him, or throwing toys at him! So I pick up the baby and try to comfort him, while putting London in timeout. Back to the kitchen I go to finish the bottle.
(It's not easy to make a bottle one handed)
Over the next hour I feed the baby, get London's breakfast ready, change diapers, and get about 3 sips of my coffee before it's cold, all while trying to keep London off of the counters and from hurting his brother.
Bath time is next.
I get the boys clothes ready and layed out on my bed, and get the bath started. London is first to get in then me, and I reach over the tub and grab Memphis.
(I just lay him on his towel until I get in)
I make sure both boys get washed, then out the same way we came in. I get them on my bed, lotion and dress them. Time for London to brush his teeth, and it also gives me enough time to get dressed and brush my teeth.
Depending on the day and the weather this is about the time we would go on a walk, I carry the double stroller down the stairs, set it up, then run back up to get the boys, baby bottle & snacks.
(This is the time in the day I get pure silence, Memphis sleeps the whole time, and London just looks around)
When we get back it's just about time for London to NAP! In his room he goes, sometimes he'll fall asleep right away. Other times there is NO NAP, He will scream and cry, and kick his door. The fighting over nap time has gone on for hours and hours sometimes till one of us just gives up.
When he naps I can pick up the house, maybe grab a real shower to myself, and Take a little nap!
Around the time he wakes up from his nap is about the same time Dan gets home, and I get help.
I love when Dan is home, not only does he cook for me, but he goes shopping for groceries too! I am NOT a good cook, and when I go to the grocery store I only get junk food, ha ha thank goodness he doesn't let me do either!
The rest of the night goes pretty well, London still continues to get into everything. Dan cooks Dinner and does the dishes ( This is the one time in the day I finally get to eat something fulfilling) while I chase London around and play with Memphis.
Bedtime can be a war sometimes, London might sleep in our bed, Dan might sleep on his floor in his room, or on the good nights London sleeps in his bed by himself like a big boy!
But we still might get a crying or screaming child in the middle of the night.
As for the other one, Memphis wakes up twice a night for a bottle still.
That is my most common day in a nutshell, it may sound simple to everyone else, but it is something I'm still getting use to!
I became a wife so fast, then had a baby, then another. Everyday is a working progress for me, there is so much I wanna do to improve on being a wife and mother but I just take is one day at a time!